Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Great Bathroom RENO - Final!

Well, it's been about a year-long process, but I am happy to say we are finally done with the bathroom! Well, to put it more specifically, we were done with the bathroom back in November, but I put off posting pictures because I was waiting to find just the right artwork to hang in the bathroom. So we looked for a few weeks without any luck, and then the holidays started up, and I feel like I just haven't had time to post good before/after pics until now. It is hard to believe we came so far, but we are really pleased with how the bathroom turned out! What do you think?


  1. Amazing! What kind of floor did you use and was it hard to install? The bathrooms in our new house need some serious TLC, and I LOVE what you've done! Kuddos to you.
    Beth Ramsey

  2. sorry I misspelled "kudos"...duh

  3. Very, very nice!! I love it. Y'all did a fantastic job. And, BTW, y'all would love to be at our house right now...Drew is SINGING songs out of a princess sing along book with Avi! It's pretty priceless!

  4. Amazing!!! And I've seen it for real :) I stand in awe of the Rhoades family and their gumption to tackle such big challenges!

  5. Thanks for checking out my post on marriage. Btw, your bathroom is LOVELY!
